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发布日期:2009/8/5  浏览:1774 次
To retain your carpets good appearance and prolong its life, we suggest you follow these basic suggestions:
1、铺毯Placing the silk carpet
When place the silk carpet, you may put an underlay below it. This will not only prevent the carpet slipping, giving better resilience underfoot, and prolong the life of silk carpet. The carpet mat also can absorb the moisture of the floor. However the underlay is not a must. There are two circumstances in which an underlay is useful:
1) if you put a small rug on a polished floor: an underlay can help prevent slipping on the rug
2) if you walk on the rug with shoes on: an underlay can reduce wear in this situation.
You dont necessarily need an underlay if you walk on your rug without shoes on, since handmade oriental rugs are tough and will easily stand up to this kind of wear.
2、日常除尘Dirt removal
手工丝毯的透气性比较好,不易吸灰,一般轻拍或用毛刷轻刷拂掉灰尘即可。如果是使用频率较高,灰尘较多,可用轻型吸尘器沿着丝毯的顺毛方向轻轻吸去尘埃。不要吸边穗。日常除尘一般一周进行一次即可。With good ventilating function and smoothies, silk carpet is not easy to absorb the dirt. You can pat or brush the dirty part gently in the direction of the nap to remove dirt and grit once a week. If severe, vacuum the carpet gently to remove the dirt but not vacuum the fringes.
3、局部清洗Partial cleaning
平时尽量避免让水或其他液体污渍洒在丝毯上面,如不慎打湿,应立即用一块干净的吸水性抹布或毛巾尽可能将液体吸干,然后拿至阴凉通风处晾晒至干。Do not let the water or other liquid spread on the carpet. If wetted and stained, use a clean absorbent cloth or kitchen towel to soak up as much of the liquid as possible; take it to the well ventilated place to make it dry.
如果污渍严重,应迅速用毛巾吸释被污处,然后用布蘸点白醋和温水擦拭脏处,并把它擦干、晾干。若是情况紧急,也可滴少量洗发水清洁,然后用干净的毛巾擦干。If the stains are serious, wipe with a damp cloth, then use clean warm water with a mild professional detergent or a dash of white vinegar to dab stain with soft cloth. In the emergency, a drop of shampoo would also work out.
注意迅速行动可防止污渍浸透地毯。切忌用有色毛巾或纸巾擦试液体污渍,以防损害地毯的颜色。切忌用力搓擦地毯,以防破坏毯面纹理。清除污渍时从污渍的外围向中间进行,以防受污区域扩散。Prompt action may prevent the spilled substance from penetrating the pile of the carpet. Do not use a colored towel or tissue to remove liquid stain. Sometimes the color passes through the towel to your carpet. Never rub too vigorously, or you could damage the texture of the yarn. Always work from the outside of the stain towards the centre, this will help to limit the affected area.
最后,如有任何疑问,最好尽快咨询专业地毯清洗公司。If you have any doubts, it is best to seek professional advice from a reputable carpet cleaning company.
4、整体清洗Overall cleaning
丝毯使用两到三年,可请专业的地毯清洗商彻底清洗一次。清洗完毕,确定地毯背面晾干后再铺上使用。需要注意的是,手工丝毯的清洗频率没有绝对的规定,根据使用状况而定,我们曾有客人,丝毯使用了十七年才拿来第一次清洗。Generally speaking, every two or three years you should look for a professional carpet cleaning company to clean the silk carpets one time. Make sure the rug completely dry before you use it again. The frequency of the cleaning of silk carpet depends on the traffic. One of our customers came to clean his silk carpet for the first time after using it for seventeen years.
丝毯应避免浸水和长期潮湿。使用一年后,可拿至阴凉通风处晾一晾,但不要在阳光下直晒。Avoid damp over a long time. Take the carpet out of the house for a natural breathe, but not keep it under the straight sun light.
手工丝毯出厂时已做化学水洗及防蛀处理,日常铺用时无须放置防虫剂,需长期存放时,可在毯面放几粒樟脑球,将地毯卷好捆紧放在通风干燥处。如果长时间不用,可把真丝地毯依顺毛的方向卷起来,用牛皮纸包好,放在通风干燥处。不要把它长时间放在塑料袋中。If you want to store your carpet for a long period, roll it against the direction of the nap in brown paper, and store it at a dry place in case of being damped. Do not put the carpet in the plastic bag for a long time.
可定期(如每年)将真丝地毯的方向调换一下,以使其绒毛受力平衡、色泽均匀。Depends on the traffic, every one year please shift the direction of the carpet so that the piles can keep in good condition and the coloration balanced.
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